Title: Tattered Heart Author: ryoma_nakamada Pairing: AriOkamoto Genre: Romance Rating: PG! Summary: They linger in each other's presence, but when will they learn that material things won't last forever? Author's Notes: I wrote this last year and just discovered this in my cousin's laptop again. LOL. Cliffy- :P ( Don't read this... You'll be disappointed :P )
A/N: LOL at the summary. Requested and plot given by shinju_10 . Congratulations on getting 92/100 in your exam anak! I still don’t get it why you had me write this one when you had the original idea in mind. Lol. Anyway, enjoy. unbeta-ed so XD Oh, and happy third anniversary JUMP :) Oh, and please do this for me. Thanks :)
A/N: Nyahaha, oh yeah I’m bad. Lol. The idea came up while I was travelling home, idk why but that’s the one that got me. Please cover your eyes while reading okay? Thank you.